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Urban Poor Churchplanting Course

Introductory Class

Objective of Intro Class:

1. Organizational: To familiarize each worker with the goals, methodology, measurement of outcomes and personnel in the course
2. Motivational: To motivate with the history of God's works, and vision for what God can do among the urban poor.

I. Personal Introduction

Following Jesus in the Underside of Megalopolises (Power Point)

What is the Encarnacao Alliance? (PP)

II. Who are you?

Fill in the Registration form and give to the training coordinator and overnight do the Intro. Assignment

III. Objectives of the Course

IV. Outline of Course

V. Expanded Course Description

1. Each half day will cover two of three tracks

a. Theology
b. Context
c. Practice

    2. Group Involvement

a. This is a primarily a story-based course - both stories on video and written and students own stories
b. Some sessions are lectures then interaction
c. Some sessions begin with group discussions then move to integration

VI. Review the Churchplanters' Workbook

VII. For a taught class, a suggested progression of course readings is given

VIII. Summary of the Course Assessment Tasks 







 Kingdom Theology


1.1 The person seeking credit should be able to clearly present their critical analysis of the relationship of the Kingdom of God to aspects of the churchplanting through diagrams and explanations that include evidence of mastery of the readings in a 2500 word outline covering:

  • Kingdom and church

  • Kingdom and social issues such as AIDS, slum education

  • Kingdom and economic issues such as small business, cash flows

  • Kingdom and issues of justice such as land rights, oppression, responding to violence

1.2 In a one hour exam setting give evidence of mastery of readings and the lectures in a diagram and explanation of the theme of the Kingdom of God as it relates to practical phases of growth of an urban poor discipling movement.

1.3 Provide a reading log of 800 pages from the required and recommended readings.




 Churchplanting Processes

2.1 Critically analyze a practical ministry of discipling/church-planting and community development activities in which the person seeking credit is serving, using written and oral (audio tape recorded) or video or Power Point presentations. This to include:

  • mission goals and objectives

  • identification of the community contextual factors

  • core values

  • a biblical understanding and practical strategies for each season of growth

  • the existing and their preferred leadership style at each season of growth

  • a work plan at each season of growth of the movement

  • existing or viable future community development ideas, that meet social, economic and justice needs at each season of growth

  • church governance understanding for each season of growth

2.2 This evidence must be accompanied by a daily log as an appendix to a report to the course facilitator on the practicums undertaken under supervision.  The report must include a further appendix containing evidence of the validity of the work of the person seeking credit provided by two third parties in community leadership

2.3 Within six months to have implemented action steps that extend one area of expansion of a slum church.  Evaluated in a written 2 page project report.





 Developed and initiated a training plan for coaching to achieve the action outcomes for a team that includes grass roots church planters and/or deacons/deaconesses, summarised in a 2500 word report

3.1.    Identified 4-8 trainees. Critically analyzed the trainees suitability for entry into a developing a community of disciples within an urban poor community.

3.2.   Developed with the team an initial plan for each season of growth and identified roles for the team. 

3.3.   Developed an initial pattern of stories for teaching at each season of growth.

3.4.    Evidence familiarity with the manual, the two books on churchplanting among the poor, the Church planting CD (for those with computers) and where to access resources.



IX. Reading Strategy

View the readings enclosed on this disk

X. Site visits:

You (or the school, if a taught class)  will arrange a visit to stay overnight with a slum family and attnd a clum church service  on the weekend prior to the delivery of the lectures. Students are expected to think about the site visit and where appropriate ask penetrating questions about the interactions during the visit. Persons should attempt to collect data that will enable them to form an opinion about the factors listed in the range in Task EV208/1. The group will travel to the sites together and the students should use this opportunity for helpful group discussion about the effectiveness of the urban mission among the poor. The formation of group opinions is an important factor in team ministry and this is a quality and skill that all urban mission candidates should foster and value.

Making notes, keeping a log and collecting written information and data from each site visited will assist you in having accurate information about each site. Make sure you get the telephone numbers of key people so you can call back later for any further information you may need.

Be friendly and warm and if permitted speak to the people in the community at each site. From a few words you may well be able to sense the commitment of the workers to the call of the ministry, assess worker morale and evaluate the level of mission and vision each worker has about the ministry at their site.

It is always good to observe and respect the welcome procedures at each site and pray with the host at the end of the visit and ask God’s blessing on their ministry. A class/team thankyou card is also a great way to show your appreciation.

XI. (For a taught class) Helpers are needed to keep the class together

a. Someone to handle payment for materials
b. Coordinating book sales
c. Coffee maker
d. Devotionals

After reading the intro. assignment you will be assigned times for presentations to the class of areas of expertise each one has.

Course Structure
Course Objectives
Intro Assignment
Reading Log
Vision for Discipling
Kagawa of Japan
Never the Same Again
City of Contrasts
Writing an Essay
Original Course
Interview Guide
Sample Read Log

© Viv Grigg & Urban Leadership Foundationand other materials © by various contributors & Urban Leadership Foundation,  for The Encarnacao Training Commission.  Last modified: July 2010